How the Dynamic Tax Credit Transfer Market is Unlocking the Energy Transition

Just over a year ago, the U.S. Treasury Department published initial guidance on the clean energy transferable tax credit market.

“The new deal structure introduced in the Inflation Reduction Act allows investors to buy those credits on an open market, drastically lowering barriers to entry and potentially unleashing a torrent of new project funding worth billions,” Canary Media’s Jeff St. John wrote at the time the guidance was released in June 2023.

This free forum will look at how the first year went and dive into the findings of Crux’s 2024 Mid-year Market Intelligence Report. The report provides an expanded and updated overview of the nascent transferability market. Join Alfred Johnson, CEO of Crux, Katie Bays, research strategist at Crux, and Canary Media’s executive director Eric Wesoff to unpack trends including:

– Average pricing and deal size by credit type and how pricing is affecting deal dynamics
– Trends in tax credit supply and bonuses across technology types
– The continued popularity of 45X advanced manufacturing credits
– Typical transaction timeline, from initial bids to due diligence to final documents
– Trends in tax credit buyer demand and the forward market
– Emerging standards in risk mitigation, insurance, and due diligence
– Predictions for the second half of the year, including estimated market size and the emergence of new highly transactable supply

This free forum is sponsored by Crux.
  • Duration: 45 minutes
  • Price: Free
  • Language: English
  • Who can attend? Everyone
  • Dial-in available? (listen only): Yes.
  • Dial-in Number: Please register for this event to view the dial-in info.
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