Securing the grid: Cyber-security solutions in the age of distributed energy

The interconnected power grid and critical energy assets have always been a prime target for anyone looking to wreak digital and financial havoc on a widespread scale. Today, a more distributed energy system offers both opportunities and challenges in providing robust cyber security against those threats. While all infrastructure is important, the inherent interconnectivity of the power industry with all other forms of global commerce makes its infrastructure exceptionally vulnerable.

In July 2023, for instance, the U.S. the Federal Bureau of Investigation put out a notification to private industry warning of an increase in cyber security attacks as distributed renewable energy resources come onto the power grid. For the energy sector, the threat is mostly aimed at utility-scale power assets rather than distributed energy resources such as rooftop solar.

This free Canary Media forum will delve into how utilities and renewable energy producers are adopting best-in-class security protocols in an age of rapid renewable deployment. Experts from Microsoft, American Electric Power and Eversource will discuss the latest NERC CIP standards and the role cloud technology can play, how to manage existing tech stacks with new tools, and evolving threat detection in an AI-driven world.

This free forum is sponsored by Microsoft.
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Price: Free
  • Language: English
  • Who can attend? Everyone
  • Dial-in available? (listen only): Yes.
  • Dial-in Number: Please register for this event to view the dial-in info.
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